"Imperfect Parenting" is a group dedicated to building support through the sharing of epic fails and unexpected wins. The gathering of people sharing the journey to being the best imperfect parent ever. We will be seeking parents to share stories, laughs, tears and tantrums. Parents who freely admit that struggling and failing are part of the beautiful journey. The group purpose is to is to have an environment where we can share and be real; to support each other and celebrate together. Please bring topics that you are grappling with and stories about struggles you've put behind you.
"Imperfect Parenting" will meet twice monthly (2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month) beginning July 10th at the Synergy Center in the community room. The group will meet from 6:30-7:30pm. There is no fee for attending. Child care is available, please bring a donation for the care givers.
The group facilitators are Emily Dorey and Rosemary Thompson. For questions or more information please contact either Emily (692-2037) or Rosemary (663-6725).
"Imperfect Parenting" will meet twice monthly (2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month) beginning July 10th at the Synergy Center in the community room. The group will meet from 6:30-7:30pm. There is no fee for attending. Child care is available, please bring a donation for the care givers.
The group facilitators are Emily Dorey and Rosemary Thompson. For questions or more information please contact either Emily (692-2037) or Rosemary (663-6725).